Exploring DNS

Exploring DNS

DNS is a facility provided by TCP/1P that allows you to enter only the name of a website, instead of a lengthy IP address (as can be in many cases). DNS is based on a client/server architecture that functions at the Application layer. Nowadays, the use of Internet services is widespread. The name of a site you type in the address bar is converted into the IP address. Suppose, the DNS utility was not available and you wanted to search an information on any topic from Google. In that case, you had to type the IP address of Google that is (assumed IP address), instead of typing www.google.com. Let’s take an example to understand how DNS works. Suppose you want to send an e-mail to the address [email protected]. In this case, express.com is sent to the DNS client, which sends a request to the DNS server to verify whether the e-mail address is correct or not, and maps it with its corresponding IP address. The DNS server, after mapping the address, sends the address back to the DNS client and the client displays the respective Web page as per the request.


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