What is session? A session can be defined as a collection of HTTP requests, over a period of time, between client and a Web server. When a session is created the lifetime of the session is also set. The session object destroyed on the expiration of session and all theContinue Reading

Different between the ServletContext and ServeltConfig objects. A ServeltContext object is used to communicate with a Servelt container while ServelConfig which is a Servelt configuration object is passed to the servelt by a container when the servelt is initialized. A ServeltContext object is contained within a ServeltConfig object.Continue Reading

What is the functionality provided by the silverlight server control in ASP.NET? The Silverlight server control enables the developers to display any silverlight content, which is basically XAML content. This control can also be used be used to used to embed managed assemblies, application packages, and client-side JavaScript libraries.Continue Reading